Perfect Poached Eggs (by request!)

The Perfect "Poached" Egg

The Perfect “Poached” Egg

There was a time back in the day when eggs were pretty much forbidden for having saturated fat, raising cholesterol, all of it.  Yet I’ve always loved eggs.  My late father used to drive an egg truck, and he adored eggs;  he instilled in me and all of my siblings to this day an appreciation for fresh, amazing eggs. In fact, one of my sisters raises chickens that lay beautiful, colorful, scrumptious eggs just so she can enjoy the freshest of the fresh.

My favorite, simple way to cook eggs is to poach them – well, technically I guess I actually steam the eggs since they aren’t cooked directly in the simmering water.  For years I  struggled to make the eggs look more professional.  Vinegar or salt in the water, swirling the boiling water so the egg whites would form a neat disc.  AND THEN, about ten years ago I was in Vancouver, British Columbia, in an Asian market no less, where I saw these silicone “pods”.  Hmmmm.  I usually don’t go for cooking gadgets or unnecessary paraphernalia, but I bought them, I tried them, and out came the most perfectly done, gorgeous eggs I have seen.  Now these pods have morphed into a  gift for friends and family who happen to be egg lovers.

The Poaching Pod

The Poaching Pod

It’s so easy.  Using a shallow sauce pan, put about 1 ½  inches of water inside and bring it to a boil.  Meanwhile, butter the inside of these pods and crack an egg inside each one, then carefully lower the pod into the simmering water.  Cover with a lid, set the timer for four minutes (that is, if the eggs are taken straight out of the refrigerator) for soft yolks (or more or less depending on your taste).  Then remove the lid, and lift each pod out carefully using tongs.  I tilt the pod the get rid of water condensation, then go around the rim of the egg with a spoon to loosen it.  Slide the egg into a saucer and voila!

This has been an easy project I do with my seven year old grandson.  I do the stove part but he greases the pod, cracks the egg into a measuring cup (keep it close to the bottom of the cup, not in the air).  He then pours the egg into the pod.  Of course we had one egg land on the counter and one land on the floor, but that is part of the learning curve.

Zay Helping Out

Zay Helping Out

An adult needs to lower the pod into the water to cook and remove the lid and pods after they are finished.  I had him loosen the egg around the rim and slide it into the saucer.  My grandson pronounced this the best egg he has ever eaten!  The egg white is cooked, the yolk is runny.   This goes along with my mantra that food you make yourself always tastes better.

Think about getting a couple of these silicone pods as gifts for nieces, nephews, grandkids, spouses.  I don’t buy my grandkids clothing or fru fru things, but I love to find kitchen tools or interesting craft ideas for gifts.

My neighborhood grocery store carries these in the kitchenware department, or you can order them on, 2 for $ 6.49.

Now get crackin’!!


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2 Responses to Perfect Poached Eggs (by request!)

  1. Lara Rush says:

    Marilyn, I’ve known you my whole life (60 years) and never knew your darling sweet father drove an egg truck….learn something every day!
    Poached eggs are my favorite, I make them often… them and will buy this fun gadget for “perfect” poachers…
    By the way, how long has Susan been raising chickens?? I’m so out of touch! Lol….

    • Marilyn says:

      Love hearing from you, L. Yes, Marvin drove an egg truck for real-hard for me to visualize! Susan raised chickens a long time but last I talked to her she no longer had the chicks. It’s a lot of work! Anyway, get the silicone pods-it’s so fun and you can do this with your grandkids. xo

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